Over the past few months Kim and I have been laying the foundations for our new career as Missionaries to Italy. If you have been following us on Facebook than you probably have read a few stories on how God has called us to Missions. As new missionaries we have a daunting task of raising the money need to support us on this mission. So over the past few months we have been preparing the tools necessary in order to make this process more streamlined. With that in mind I would like to announce that our new website is now up and running. It is still a work in progress, so please feel free to give us feedback on what you would like to see on it.

The biggest thing we need help with right now is updating our address book. You can do this by going to our website and signing up for our newsletter. www.lifeinthegrayzone.com . Please continue to pray that God will send us people who are willing to lift us up in prayer and who are also able to become a financial partner.